The State of Arkansas School Recognition Program is handing out nearly $7 million to schools that performed in the top 5 or 10% in 2024. Seven public schools in Saline County were recognized as tops in the state with cash rewards totaling $316,108.65. Two of the schools places in two categories and got extra funding. […]
Saline County youth pastor accused of embezzling over $23K from church camp
A Saline County youth pastor, school staff member, and church camp treasurer is suspected of embezzling over $23,000 from that church camp, according to documents from the Bryant Police Department. On March 19, 2024, Bryant officers began to investigate Phillip Batchelor, age 45, of Benton, on allegations of embezzlement. The police report states that the […]
Do your Census survey now; here’s why and how
Take ten minutes and fill out your 2020 Census survey, to help our communities get the funding it needs. Every 10 years, the U.S Census Bureau is required to count every person living in the United States. This is so the government can determine how to allocate over $675 billion in Federal funds to states […]
School Election 2017 – Bauxite Millage Increase
The Bauxite School District has added a proposed millage increase to the annual school election on September 19, 2017. The administration wants to use the funds to help construct two academic buildings, according to the online campaign “Pick Yes Bauxite.” (Get it? Pick? Because Bauxite Miners? Miners use picks!) There is a public informational meeting […]