The City of Benton Planning Commission will meet Tuesday to discuss a hotel on mini-golf land, a dollar store on South Street, a chicken restaurant, a church and storage units. The public is invited to the meeting, to be held on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. The location is in Council Chambers at the Benton Municipal Complex, 114 S. East St.
Scroll down 👇for images, agenda, and minutes for what happened in the June meeting.
1) Establish a Quorum/Call to Order
2) Approve Minutes from June 4th, 2024 Meeting
3) Board of Adjustments
4) Planning Commission
a. Severn Landing Phase 2 [Final Plat]
5) Other Business
a. Changes to Zoning Matrix for Single Family uses
b. Changes to Zoning Ordinance [Accessory Dwelling Unit definition]
c. Discussion regarding Tiny Home Regulations
Here were the decisions made in the previous meeting:
MEETING MINUTES – June 4, 2024
Chairman Stilwell called the meeting to order. Roll call resulted in 2 member[s] being absent.Members Present: Brett Chumley, Lois Burks, John Clements, Pamela Gibson, James Stilwell, Andy Warford, Mark Chilton, John Parton, Comm. Development Director, Chelsea Matthews, City Planner. Members Absent: Carl West, Darrell Wood.
Approval of the Minutes of the May 7th, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting – Chairman Stilwell asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes. Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve the minutes as is. Commissioner Chilton second. Motion carried.
An amendment was made to the agenda – Item a. 42 Hiland Place [Rezone – Tabled from 05.07.2024] has been withdrawn per applicant request.
4130 Highway 5 [Conditional Use for Mini Storage; ETJ]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Conditional Use request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Jonathan Hope with Hope Consulting Inc on behalf of Clint Everhart [property owner] is requesting a Conditional Use for his property located at 4130 Highway 5. Ms. Matthews states that this property is located outside of Benton City Limits but is located within the City of Benton ETJ [extra territorial jurisdiction] so the City of Benton must oversee the approval process. The purpose of this request is to be able to operate a mini storage facility at this property. Chairman Stilwell calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Clint Everhart [property owner] speaks in favor of this item. Several nearby property owners speak against this item. Item fails due to lack of motion.
#805-13490-000 [Conditional Use for Church in R2 Zone]
*Chairman Stilwell and Commissioner Warford recuses themselves from this item. Commissioner Chilton steps in to be Chairman during this item.
Chairman Chilton asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Conditional Use request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Richardson Engineering, on behalf of Gracepoint Church [property owner] is requesting a Conditional Use for their property located at #805-13490-000 [address not assigned]. This property is currently zoned R2 [Single Family District Detached Housing], and this type of use is permitted by Conditional Use approval only. Chairman Chilton calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Tristin, with Richardson Engineer, speaks in favor of this item. Commissioner Clements makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Chumley second. Motion carried 4-0. *Because this is a Conditional Use request, it will go before City Council on 06.24.2024 for final approval.
*Chairman Stilwell and Commissioner Warford recuses themselves from this item. Commissioner Chilton steps in to be Chairman during this item.
Chairman Chilton asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Conditional Use request. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Richardson Engineering, on behalf of Gracepoint Church [property owner] is requesting approval of a Site Plan for a Church. This property is currently zoned R2 [Single Family District Detached Housing], and a Church is a permitted use by Conditional Use approval only. Conditional Use was previously approved and will go before City Council for final approval. Chairman Chilton calls for any questions or comments regarding this request. Tristin, with Richardson Engineering and representatives from Gracepoint Church speak in favor of this item. Some nearby property owners express concern over the closeness of the Church to their properties. Tristin provides clarification that the Church will be over 200 feet away from their property lines. Commissioner Gibson makes a motion to approve this item. Commissioner Burks second. Motion carried 4-0.

Visit the MySaline article about Layne’s Chicken Fingers restaurant coming to Benton.
#800-36930-016 [Site Plan for Layne’s Chicken]
*Chairman Stilwell and Commissioner Warford enter back into the meeting. Commissioner Chilton goes back to his Commissioner seat.
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Site Plan for Layne’s Chicken. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Joe White & Associates Inc, on behalf of Layne’s Chicken is requesting approval of their Site Plan at parcel #800-36930-016 [address not assigned]. This property is currently zoned C3 [Service Commercial] and a Restaurant with a drive thru is a permitted use. Chairman Stilwell calls for any comments or questions regarding this request. Brian Dale with Joe White & Associates speaks in favor of this item. Commissioner Burks makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Chilton second. Motion carried 6-0.
1219/1211 W. South Street [Site Plan for Dollar General]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Site Plan for Dollar General. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Bartlett Architecture Inc, on behalf of Dollar General, is requesting approval of their Retail Space located at 1219/1211 W. South Street. This property is currently zoned C2 [General Commercial; Ordinance 21 of 2024] and Retail Space is a permitted use. Chairman Stilwell calls for any comments or questions regarding this request. Marcus McNiece with Bartlett Architecture speaks in favor of this item. Commissioner Chilton makes a motion to approve this item. Commissioner Clements second. Motion carried 6-0.
1615 Sharon Rd [Site Plan for Hotel]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Site Plan for a Hotel. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Hope Consulting LLC and Residence Inn [property owner] are requesting approval of a Site Plan for a hotel located at 1615 Sharon Rd [old mini golf beside Tinsel Town]. This property is currently zoned C3 [Service Commercial], and a hotel is a permitted use. Chairman Stilwell calls for questions and comments regarding this request. Jonathan Hope, with Hope Consulting speaks in favor of this item. Commissioner Warford makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Gibson second. Motion carried 6-0.
The Grove @ Centennial Valley Phase 4 [Final Plat]
Chairman Stilwell asked Ms. Matthews to introduce the Final Plat for The Grove @ Centennial Valley Phase 4. Ms. Matthews reads the memorandum that states that Hope Consulting LLC is requesting approval for a Final Plat for The Grove @ Centennial Valley Phase 4. This subdivision is located outside of Benton City Limits but is within the City of Benton ETJ [extra territorial jurisdiction] so the City of Benton must oversee the approval process. Centennial Valley also has a preannexation agreement with the City of Benton [Ordinance 76 of 2011]. Chairman Stilwell calls for questions and comments regarding this request. Commissioner Chilton makes a motion to approve this request. Commissioner Warford second. Motion carried 6-0.
Changes of Zoning Matrix for Single Family Uses
Ms. Matthews states that Community Development is recommending a change to the Zoning Matrix regarding what zones Single Family housing is allowed in. Currently, single family dwellings are not allowed in multi-family districts. Commissioner Gibson had asked at a previous meeting that we revisit this and allow for single family dwellings in multi family zones. Ms. Matthews states that she will get an Ordinance together for the changes.
Changes to Zoning Ordinance [Accessory Dwelling Unit Definition]
Ms. Matthews states that there have been issues regarding homeowners renting out their Accessory Dwelling Units that are located on their property. Ms. Matthews states that the purpose of ADU’s is to be used as a secondary living quarters [per the definition]. Ms. Matthews states that she will get an Ordinance together for clarification to be written into the definition that ADU’s cannot be rented out.
See the full list of events in Saline County at