Buying a home is a worthy objective for a single person. It is also a significant accomplishment that involves planning, saving, and achieving a good credit score. It takes a bit more effort when you are the only source of income, so here are seven tips for the single woman interested in buying her […]
Benton on nationwide list of 10 best cities for first-time homebuyers in 2024
Benton, Arkansas made the national list of best cities for first-time homebuyers in 2024, according to For first-time homebuyers, 2023 was a bleak year marked by mortgage rates hitting a 20-year high, a persistent shortage of homes for sale, and home prices that stubbornly continued rising. As a result, many potential homebuyers have chosen to wait for […]
Did you ever wonder how far in advance you should get pre-approved for a mortgage? Doug clears it up!
How Far in Advance Should You Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage? Doug Robinson clears it up in 3 questions: Are you wondering when you should get a pre-approval for a home loan during the buying process? Let’s look at when and how far in advance of purchasing a home you should get pre-approved. Let’s also […]
Buying A Home Can Be SCARY… Until You Know These 6 FACTS!
You wake up in a cold sweat. There’s something lurking in the dark, visible by flickering computer light. Something’s haunting you. It’s… the real estate listings! Deep down, you’d love to own a home, but whenever you take steps beyond idle window-shopping, a chill runs up your spine, and paralyzes you from moving ahead. We get it—you’re about […]
5 Can’t Miss Tips When You’re Buying A Fixer Upper
Buying a fixer-upper offers you an amazing investment opportunity and provides an endless assortment of projects for those who like to work with their hands. No matter if you plan to flip the property quickly or live there for some time, you shouldn’t cross a fixer-upper off your list when buying a house. Still, we […]
What should you do with your home in this market? Here are 6 signs it’s time to sell
Your home has been your safe haven over the years. As much as your home means to you, it’s starting to feel like it is time to make a move. So what should you consider when making the decision to sell your home? Here are six signs that it’s time to sell. Nothing Fits Are […]
6 ways to bring order to the chaos of house hunting
Every buyer-to-be knows searching for a home can be a challenge. However, your house hunt doesn’t have to mean chaos if you start with an organized plan. Streamlining your search starts with a healthy dose of preparation by including a great real estate agent, setting a budget, creating a wish list, and reviewing real estate […]
6 Steps to building great credit so you can save big on buying a house
When you’re buying a house, the preparation you do ahead of time plays a major role in the end result of your home search. During this time, there are a few things more important than your credit score. An excellent credit score can ultimately help you save big on interest payments over the life of […]
Apply for Home Ownership at the Habitat for Humanity Meeting Nov 28th
Habitat for Humanity is holding a home ownership application meeting at the Benton location of the Saline County Library on Monday, November 28th at 6:00 pm. Learn more about affordable home ownership opportunities in Saline County. Habitat for Humanity is a Christian housing ministry that builds simple, decent affordable houses for hard working families in need. The […]
Forbes Magazine Touts Saline County as One of the Best Real Estate Investments in the Heartland
Sometimes you’ll see an article online that says your town is the best at something or has hit a top ten list, and that’s great, but a lot of those websites put together statistics in a certain way so that they can include one city in this version and another city in another version… just because […]