The Sleigh is a story of three young brothers who happened upon an unrecovered shipping crate in the woods, years after it fell from the terrible train wreck of 1941 in Wilton, Arkansas. It’s written by Roger Lyndon Poole, one of the other brothers too young to tag along for the adventure. The author grew up there in southwest Arkansas. After the U. S. Air Force, and the University of Arkansas, he was an Engineer at the local electric company for 30 years and is now retired in Bryant, Arkansas with wife Thelma. https://tinyurl.com/amazonrlp
Now TWO fantastic new books by Roger L Poole, are available in paperback or digital forms on Amazon! Get “The Sleigh” and “But Mama Said” at https://tinyurl.com/amazonrlp
@arkansasshelli My Dad published 2 books! “The Sleigh” & “But Mama Said” at HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/AMAZONRLP #books #author #published #amazon #christmasbook #shortstories #arkansas #wiltonarkansas #bryantarkansas ♬ original sound – Shelli Poole
The Sleigh
– by Roger L. Poole ©2020
Chapter titles and photos are below, as well as the photo and recipe link for Grandma’s Cathead Biscuits. ?? Click any image to enlarge it. The chapter titles were linked for a short time to be able to read the book but now you can purchase the book or electronic version on Amazon at https://tinyurl.com/amazonrlp
Prologue & Chapter 1 – Danger at Lick Creek
Chapter 2 – Poor Genies and the Fire Starter
Chapter 3 – How about some rope?
- The seven children of Mat and Maxine Poole are pictured left to right: James Madison (Jay), Elizabeth Janice (Niecie), Wilma Jean, Roger Lyndon, Wesley Eugene, Richard Allen and Russell Wayne. The two on both ends and the tall one in the middle are the stars of our story.
- Across the railroad tracks away from “Downtown Wilton,” you can see a house nestled in the trees. That newer house stands where our old house once stood in the forties.
Chapter 4 – Run faster with a frog in your pocket
Chapter 5 – The Boys Are Drafted into the Railroad Business
Chapter 6 – Who jiggled the skids?
Chapter 7 – That there is grade A number 1 chicken poop
- Mat Poole poses one of his prized red-bone hounds for a photo op. Might this dog be the infamous Buck?
- Posing in our front yard with a large bass taken from the murky waters of Messamore’s Pond, Wes Poole shows his pride in the catch of the day. Notice the railroad tracks behind him. The Ashdown Highway is on the other side of the tracks. The window on the side of the house is most likely the one that was used when a sneaky exit or entry was required.
- (Pictured, l. to r.) The youngest Poole boys, Lyndon and Richard, were considered too young for Box adventures in 1945. This is a later picture, with Lyndon’s elbow pointing left to Ol’ Roundhead the chicken in his preferred method of travel, a homemade wheelbarrow. The dog and the other chicken are minor characters, not necessitating a name in this particular publication.
Chapter 8 – Can a cat fly faster than Bama apple butter?
Chapter 9 – Sometimes Pecking Order Doesn’t Involve Chickens

See the recipe for Maxine’s “Cat Head Biscuits” featured several times in “The Sleigh” https://www.mysaline.com/sleigh-maxines-cat-head-biscuits/
Chapter 10 – No Villainous Miscreants Allowed
Chapter 11 – Follow Me, Box!
- These railroad tracks lead north out of Wlton and eventually get you to a point near Lick Creek.
- Mills’ Store was a general store of the highest order. You could even get an expensive watch repaired. I know my Dad did. The Mills’ jeweler etched his list of repairs inside the back cover of the watch.
Chapter 12 – The Box Versus Buck the Boy-Eating Dog
Chapter 13 – Even the best centurion guards fall down on the job occasionally
Chapter 14 – Tongue-Tied is one thing and foot-tied is quite another
Chapter 15 – Is the magic in the hand-waving or the other way around?
- Hedgecocks combination convenience store, gas station, auto shop, and post office made it a must do for most anyone in the area. The drive through gas pumps were a big attraction. In the Post Office, we were Box 66.
- The old Wilton First Baptist Church is where the Poole family went together on any given Sunday and on a few other days besides.
Chapter 16 – Here’s a Buck for your efforts
Chapter 17 – Get knocked on your britches if curiosity itches
Chapter 18 & Epilogue – Christmas Eve glares, flares and prayers
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