Come to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration in Benton, Saturday and Monday. Grab your friends, family, and colleagues and meet us at 9:00 a.m. to walk in unison as a beloved community! See the list of events below.
Saturday, January 18th
The theme this year is “A Beloved Community: Peace, Love, & Kindness.” It begins on Saturday morning, with a Unity March & Block Party.
Line up at 9:00 a.m. at C.W. Lewis Stadium and walk to the block party. Floats, signs, and vehicles are welcomed. Scan the QR code or click this link to sign up for the walk and/or the block party.
Monday, January 20
First United Methodist Church will host the Community Prayer Breakfast, with food, inspiring words, and powerful prayer, as we unite to strengthen our community with even more peace, love, and kindness.
Keith Dodson, Senior Pastor of Benton FUMC, will lead the event, and Ariel Brunson, a student at Benton High School, will serve as Emcee. The Ralph Bunche Neighborhood Association will present Community Service Awards.
Breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m. The address for your GPS is 200 N. Market Street, but it will be around the corner, in the Christian Life Center (entrance on W. Sevier Street).
Monday, February 3
There’s an ongoing Community Service Project to support Bright Futures Benton, CJCOHN, New Beginnings Pregnancy Center, Saline County Safe Haven, and The Call in Saline & Perry Counties.
Through February 3, donate items listed needed by these local nonprofits. Scan the QR code or visit this link to purchase and have the items shipped or purchase them and drop them off at one of the eight community locations. Items Needed, and Drop Locations are listed below:
Items Needed
- Laundry Detergent
- Lysol Wipes
- Baby Wipes
- Canned meat (tuna, chicken, etc.)
- Ravioli
- Peanut Butter
- Joggers (all sizes, kids & adults)
Drop Locations
- Benton Fire Station 6 (12700 1-30 N. Frontage Rd.-near Mountain View)
- Everett Infiniti (21000 I-30 N. Frontage Rd.)
- New Life Baptist Church (10765 Samples Rd., Alexander)
- Benton City Hall (410 River St. – new location)
- Recycle Saline (520 Edison Ave.)
- Benton High School (211 N. Border St.)
- Bryant Police Department (312 Roya Ln., Bryant)
For more information contact Evelyn Reed at 501-672-5764 or Linda Smith at 501-844-1964.